Friel New Website: We're ready to Flamingle

Clare Friel
By Clare Friel

Well what can I say? 2020 was a year like no other. 2021 hasn’t started much better with Covid still looming over us and affecting our personal and professional lives. However it's not been all doom and gloom.

For the Frielers, it’s been pretty crazy helping new and old clients navigate their way through the challenges of a global pandemic. However it's also given us time for a bit of self-love; we now have a shiny new website that we’ve been working on behind the scenes and the whole team have been heavily involved in making something we are all truly proud of.

Along with a refresh of our company branding, the new site showcases all of the areas we help our clients with day in, day out. It’s crazy to think for so long, we didn't even have a website and work came by recommendation and word of mouth. But now we can actually showcase some of the amazing work we do for our clients and spread the Friel love far and wide!

Digital marketing - SEO - Paid Advertising Campaigns - It can be a minefield for companies to understand how to get the very best results. Team Friel can help.

Brand Strategy - Business Development - Corporate Comms - Businesses understand the importance of these but often don't have the time or in-house expertise to develop or execute the actions to make them happen. Team Friel can help.

Public Relations - Social Media - Design - Getting your marketing messages out there to your target audience is sometimes easier said than done. Team Friel can help.

The new website touches upon the different areas we are already successfully helping our clients with, along with some of the results we are achieving for them. Don’t just take our word for it, read our testimonials.

You’ll undoubtedly notice our new team icon on the website… for anyone who knows us will already know, we love a friely-good pun and we love to flamingle (when Boris allows us to). Flamingos are social birds. They stand out from the crowd. They aren’t a pigeon or a seagull. Bright, bold, attention grabbing. A flock of flamingos commands your attention - a bit like the crazy Friel team! Our work stands out from the crowd so in a busy marketing world of pigeons and seagulls, we think everyone deserves to bring out their inner flamingo!

I always find it cheesy when businesses call their staff family but at Friel we really are. We’ve even gone on holiday together! I also find it a bit cringe when businesses say their clients become their friends, but we are so lucky to be that cringe and have the most wonderful clients - some you’ll see on the website! One of my favourite sayings is “Your vibe attracts your tribe” and through my amazing team and awesome clients, Friel is going from strength to strength.

I hope you love the new website as much as we do!


danny the flamingo
Something else...
find friel

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